A downloadable game

An RPG about combat, choice, allies, enemies, and more. There is like an off-species of humans, who like infused themselves with the power of gems underground to survive a deadly nuclear war. These 8 gem types granted them abilities, and they made their own island, the gemate island. Sometime far later, in a distant land, the person takes a health screening and gets sent to the gemate island by force. the troubled person must learn to handle his/her abilities against peers, who have lived there for a long time.  The player goes on adventures with allies and battles for rank against enemies. But these people aren't as evil as they seem. However, 7 mages live on the island, wreaking havoc, summoning monsters, and there are also orates, humans who are infused with cursed ores. The player must help slay the mages and try to discover their past. And soon, the truth.