Find Your Assassin is on hold

Now, it's been a long time since I released the last update to find your assassin. And now the game is on hold, but not necessarily canceled, but on hold for a long time. However, development may return shortly. Over my past school year, I had drafted many ideas for the game, from stories, new characters and assassins, new perks, and new perk types. etc. Since then I've added 3 assassins and a few perks. And here are the Assassins.

  1. The Pilot. The Pilot has a special drone that assists her when she's looking for you. The drone first stays in one place, and spins around, if it sees the player it will alert the pilot, both the pilot and drone will chase the player. The drone also moves when it hasn't detected the player within a certain amount of time. Eventually, the drone's battery will die and return to the pilot to recharge.
    1. In the endgame, the drone shoots bullets and becomes aggressive, and will heal the pilot when the pilot is below half healthy.
  2. The Leech. The leech moves differently than the player in a chase, it will dash rather than run. Once the leech touches the player the leech will be attached to them, and the player must find a blood vial to be rid of him. The leech also leaves leech trails whenever he moves, which when stepped on alerts the leech to your position and raises his leech power. He also gains leech power gradually when leeched onto you. Candles can be used to reduce his power.
    1. Tier 1. -0.5 health a second
    2. Tier 2. 1 Health a second
    3. Tier 3. 1.5 Health a second
  3. The Faker. The faker is probably the best assassin I have made in this update. He spawns with 10 decoy versions of himself, however, he can teleport to these decoys if they are alerted without making noise. His maximum decoy count also increases for every lever activated. During the endgame, he can also teleport to other decoys when he is running away from you.
  4. Abandoned School Map. This map is the biggest map I've made so far.

Anyway, that's all I have to say, hopefully, development will return soon.

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